Age-Friendly Housing Design Competitions
Competitions to Expand the Collection of Age-Friendly Plans Available to the Public
2023 An ADU for U Design Competition
AARP's Accessory Dwelling Unit Design Competitions aim to provide examples of age-friendly accessory dwellings to inspire and guide the creation of accessory dwellings for older adults. 2023 marked the inaugural year of the project and resulted in a number of viable designs. The winners of the Omaha, NE competition can be seen here. The winners of the Raleigh, NC competition can be seen here.

2024 Missing Middle Housing Design Competitions
AARP's Missing Middle Housing (MMH) Design Competitions sought to inspire the development of smaller, more affordable age-friendly homes. By focusing on duplex and cottage court development, these competitions aimed to increase housing density in primarily single-family neighborhoods.The winners of the Duplex by Design competition, led by Omaha by Design, can be found here. The winners of the New Housing on the Block competition in Fargo, ND, can be found here.