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The population of older adults in Fargo, North Dakota, and across the US is growing, but the supply of housing appropriate for them is not. Many of Fargo's older residents are aging in homes  ill-suited for safe and independent living. These homes are often larger than needed, and may require maintenance older adults are no longer able to do themselves. Missing Middle Homes (MMH) are an under-utilized and more affordable housing option that might be the answer for many older adults.


The New Housing on the Block design competition targets duplex, triplex and other smaller homes, built on a single lot or as part of a cluster development. When designed appropriately, with universal and age-friendly features, these MMH dwellings are affordable, easier to maintain and allow allow safe and independent living for many years, helping residents avoid moves to expensive care settings.


A series of 2023 MMH sessions in Fargo, AARP ND  highlighted the need for MMH housing and showed MMH to be an achievable option for many Fargo households. Unfortunately, few examples of age-friendly duplex and triplex homes exist to inspire and guide the creation of these dwellings for older adults. AARP's 2024 New Housing on the Block competition aims to remedy that problem.


Competition Schedule



Registration Opens

Virtual Information Session for Applicants

Webinar: A Deep Dive into Age-Friendly Design

Registration Closes

Submission Portal Opens

Submission Deadline

Winners Announced


July 25

August 14

August 29

August 31

September 1

October 4

October 31



The winners of the design competition will be provided a cash  award.

Once selected, the winning entries will be showcased at a community open house during the month of November. Winning designs will also be highlighted on, as well as other digital media outlets. 




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