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Property Brothers' Design Tips for a Home You'll Never Have to Leave


AARP has long been an important advocate for better home design, better home features, and helpful products that can maintain our lifestyle and enhance our safety in the home. In the August/September Issue of AARP Magazine, the article Home Sweet Forever Home is a good read. It shows a number of really good home features that are good for everyone and really good if you are older, such as a curbless shower, added lighting, and a raised dishwasher. They might have emphasized more the marketability of a UD home. They also toss a custom feature like grab bars in there. We'll all need them at some point in our lives, but they aren't an example of a UD feature. Universal equivalents are the handholds around toilet paper dispensers, mix valves, at soap dishes, and built into towel bars.

Plan ahead and do it now!

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